Monday, May 4, 2020

7th Grade week of 5/4-5/11

Hangouts will be at the normal times Tuesday and Thursday this week.  
Human Body Systems Project Due 5/11
Your presentation must include:

  • List all the organs and their function (assigned last week) 5 points
  • List all the functions of the system and how it interacts with other body systems.  5 points
  • Information about 1 disease that affects your system.  Describe how it effects the body system, how do you get the disease, is there a cure for the disease, and can you recover from it.5 Points
  • Next week you will do a 3 minute presentation during our Hangout and submit a study guide and a 10 question quiz to me. 5 Points
  • Remember to use at least 3 reliable resources-No WIKI!
Total for Project: 20 Points
Exam Project:
For the last 2 weeks you are going to work on an ABC project.  Each letter must be a word that relates to something in science that you have learned this year.  This should be done using Keynote or it may be done on paper. Each slide/page should include the following:

  • Letter your page is about
  • Word/phrase associated with that letter
  • 2-4 sentences about the word/phrase
  • Picture to match the word/description
  • The word used in a creative sentence ( not just the definition).  For example: did we do an activity with it, what you learned
  • Each slide slide/page must have a background or color
  • Use a font that is easy to read and a size that is large enough to read-remember I’m old.
Use correct grammar and spelling
Letters A-L are due by 5/11 
Final Project due 5/17 by noon

***** All missing work is due by 5/15******
Let me know if you have any questions about either project.
I will try to have grades updated today.

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Rising 8th Graders

Please write your answers on a sheet of paper.  This will be collected the first week of school and a quiz will be given.  Please email me i...